Legal notice

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy, we inform you that:

JHS, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Troyes, under number 904 930 096, whose legal representative is Alexandre Jacquot, Manager whose contact details are:

Company address :
Place Jean Jaures 39, Troyes, 10000 Aube, France
You can reach the company on +33 (0) 68 58 32 37 or by email Jacquot. To Alexandre@Jacquot.Navy
The publication director of the website is Alexandre Jacquot, Manager.

The service provider hosting the site is: OVH
This website was developed by the communication agency Studio Ikadia |

Intellectual property

Everything that makes up the structure of the website, the texts, the animated or still images, the videos or all the other elements that make it up are the exclusive property of JHS.

Any total or partial representation of the structure of this site, its graphic charter or its content is subject to the express prior written authorization of Alexandre Jacquot, Manager.

Without this authorization, any reproduction would constitute an infringement, punishable by articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code which defines infringement as an offence, and provides for up to three years’ imprisonment and 300,000 euros in fines to amend.

Limit of liability

JHS, or its representatives cannot be held responsible for errors encountered on this site, technical problems, interpretation of published information and consequences of their use.

Photo credit and copyright

The photographs displayed on the site are from iStock and Shutterstock.
These images are either free of rights or covered by licenses authorizing their reproduction and use by the publisher.